Friday, April 9, 2021

STOP calling this COVID 19 SHOT a vaccine!

 I wish everyone would STOP calling this COVID 19 SHOT a vaccine! A vaccine is... a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies AND PROVIDE IMMUNITY against one or several diseases. This shot does NOT provide immunity! It doesn't even STOP THE SPREAD of the COVID 19 virus! Call it what EXPERIMENTAL medical procedure! And I for one REFUSE to be a governmental guinea pig! (had ENOUGH of being one while in the military, TYVM!)! The ONLY immunity provided is the one the BIG PHARMAS are getting from our government in being sued by anyone who is harmed by this experimental drug!

Some one PLEASE SATISFACTORILY explain why ANYONE should take this shot when...

1) You STILL have to continue wearing a mask, washing your hands, and maintaining proper physical distancing after receiving the shot;

2) you can STILL SPREAD the virus after receiving the shot;

3) the shot doesn’t prevent coronavirus infection (you can STILL get COVID 19 AFTER receiving the shot!). It MIGHT help to protect against serious illnesses; and

4) there are NO repercussions for the BIG PHARMAS for ANY damages caused by these shots as NO ONE can sue them for those damages!

And without the PROPER extensive testing needed to be a LICENSED vaccine by the FDA so that any LONG TERM reactions to this shot can be observed & known, NO ONE can say exactly what these shots can & will do to our long term well being.... this shot is an UNKNOWN & experimental drug!! And governments around the world want to make this mandatory??!! How tyrannical & worse then the Holocaust experiments can you get??