Sunday, November 16, 2014

US Surgeon General Has It Wrong About Sun Exposure and Cancer

The US Surgeon General recently came out with a warning on skin cancer,1claiming that the sun is dangerous and that you need to stay away out of it.
Dr. John Cannell, founder of the Vitamin D Council, has dedicated a large part of his professional career to the study of vitamin D and its health benefits, and he has a warning of his own to those who take this narrow-minded advice to heart.
It’s worth noting that the acting Surgeon General, Boris Lushniak, is a dermatologist. And of all the medical specialties out there, dermatologists are clearly the most biased against sun exposure, and as a result, against vitamin D.
This isn’t surprising, since they primarily see the ill effects of sun overexposure. But in taking an overly narrow view, the advice to avoid sun exposure as much as possible can have equally if not greater adverse health effects.

The Connection Between Sun Exposure and Skin Cancer

Unquestionably, UV radiation can be dangerous; it can increase your risk for certain skin cancers such as squamous cell, basal cell, and melanoma. But there are significant differences even between these cancers, and appropriate sun exposure may actually be more beneficial than detrimental in some cases. Dr. Cannell explains:
“Squamous cell carcinoma is clearly associated with chronic sun exposure. It is more common on the face, the hands, and the scalp.
It is related to radiation burden over your lifetime, and together with basal cell carcinoma, which is sort of intermediate, it accounts for approximately 1,500 deaths a year in the United States...
Basal cell is sort of intermediate. There are studies showing that it is associated with chronic sun exposure, and there are studies showing that it’s not associated with chronic sun exposure.
And then there’s melanoma, which is responsible for almost 9,000 deaths a year and is the deadly skin cancer that is feared. The relationship that melanoma has with the sun is quite complicated.
It is clearly associated with sunburn, especially sunburns when you’re young (that’s incontrovertible) or sunburns in a sun tanning bed.”
However, there are at least two studies showing that melanoma is more common in indoor workers than outdoor workers. And the most likely places for melanoma to appear are actually NOT the face and the hands like squamous cell carcinoma, but rather the lower back and the upper leg—areas that are usually not chronically sun-exposed.
According to Dr. Cannell, there’s a vocal minority in the dermatological community that thinks the emphasis dermatologists have on avoiding sun exposure is wrong, because while sunburn is a risk factor, chronic sun exposure is not.
“A number of studies show that chronic sun exposure is related to melanoma, but they don’t separate out the sunburns, which is very hard to do because you have to do that by memory,” Dr. Cannell says.

Two Decades-Long Study Finds Sun Avoidance Doubles Risk of Death

Dr. Cannell notes a recent study2 done in Sweden, which followed nearly 30,000 middle-aged to older women for up to 20 years. The average follow-up was 15 years.
At the outset, they asked a number of questions about sun exposure, such as: Do you sunbathe? Do you take vacations in sunny areas in the winter? Do you garden with short sleeves and shorts? And, do you use sunbeds?
What they found, and this appears to be the only study of this kind, is that the women who avoided the sun were twice as likely to die over the course of the study. The researchers attributed this finding to a vitamin D mechanism.
What this study actually shows is that chronic sun exposure appears to be associated with less mortality. It’s also the first study to show that women who use tanning beds live longer than those who don’t.
This is in direct conflict to what almost every dermatologist will say, including the Surgeon General. It’s unfortunate, but the danger of almost any specialist is that they don’t take the broader perspective.
What the Surgeon General and almost every other dermatologist fail to take into account is the overall mortality, which is referenced in this recent study.

Risk-Benefit Analysis

In addition to this study, dozens of others document the benefits of appropriate sun exposure. This includes a reduced risk of about 16 different cancers of Dr. Garland’s studies suggest this reduction is close to 50 percent.
So many hundreds of thousands of people are put at risk from other cancers as opposed to 10,000 people who are dying from skin cancer caused by sunburn. It’s really a matter of making an educated risk-benefit analysis.
“When you do a risk-benefit analysis and you look at all the data we have, the risk in my opinion appears to be in those who avoid the sun,” Dr. Cannell says.
“Now, if you avoid the sun, your risk for non-melanoma skin cancer goes down. That’s clear. But if you look at studies of either latitude or of 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in relation to cancer, you find this inverse relationship: the higher the vitamin D level, the lower the internal cancer rate.”
Dr. William Grant of Sunlight, Nutrition, and Health Research Center (SUNARC) estimates that if everyone in the United States had a vitamin D level of 40 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml), it would save approximately 150,000 lives a year.3
That’s 100 times the rate of squamous cell cancers, which are the only ones that are definitively linked to UV exposure. In Canada alone, it is estimated that 37,000 lives a year are lost due to vitamin D deficiency.Also, use of sunscreen has risen in the last 30 years, so if dermatologists were correct, there should be a decrease in stage 1 melanoma. But there’s not. As sunscreen use increased, stage 1 melanoma diagnosis increased...
“It’s thought that by blocking out UVB, patients are able to stay out in the sun longer than they would have otherwise and expose themselves to the more dangerous, or at least potentially dangerous, UVA radiation that’s in the sunshine,” Dr. Cannell says. “What we recommend is what’s called safe, sensible sun exposures. The Australian Cancer Council now recommends the same thing. I think in England there’s now a change in their recommendation from strict sun avoidance to some safe, sensible sun exposureThere are some movements in large organizations to realize that safe, sensible sun exposure is a healthy thing.”

How Much Sun Exposure Is Sensible?

On its website, Cancer Research UK reports that “by enjoying the sun safely and avoiding sunburn, people can reduce their risk of skin cancer and enjoy the beneficial effects of the sun.” Cancer Research UK’s sun advice is endorsed by the British Association of Dermatologists, Cancer Research UK, Diabetes UK, the Multiple Sclerosis Society, the National Heart Forum, the National Osteoporosis Society, and the Primary Care Dermatology Society. The UK National Health Service5 also recommends sensible, individualized sun exposure to help optimize vitamin D.
It’s important to recognize is how quickly sunlight can make vitamin D in the skin. You don’t need to be outside for hours on end. But you do need more than just a few minutes of sun on your face and arms. According to Dr. Cannell, sunbathing at solar noon in the summer, at most latitudes in the United States you will make between 5,000-10,000 international units (IUs) of vitamin D within 30 minutes.
“You can ask yourself why nature would evolve a mechanism that made so much vitamin D so quickly,” Dr. Cannell says. “When I thought about that question, the only answer I could come up with is nature did it for a good reason. The organism needs vitamin D, so the system in the skin evolved to make it very quickly upon exposure to sunlight.
We recommend full-body sun exposure for up to anywhere from a few minutes to 30 minutes every day. On those days when you cannot get a full-body sun exposure, we recommend a vitamin D supplement or sensible exposure in a low-pressure UVB bed.”
If you’re getting regular sun exposure, I think the need for an oral supplement is really minimal to non-existent. When you swallow a pill, there’s no self-regulating ability. Your body doesn’t have an ability to selectively limit its absorption. But your skin has the ability to control how much vitamin D is being produced based on how much is in your blood.
I personally have not taken oral vitamin D for five years and my level runs from 50-70 g/ml. Lifeguards, roofers, and gardeners who work with their shirt off, all tend to have levels between 40 and 80 ng/ml in the summer. This also brings up an interesting question about the difference between normal and natural. Normal vitamin D levels are an average of what indoor workers have in both winter and summer. Natural are levels of a population with widespread sun exposure. The latter is going to be closer to ideal, or optimal.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Vaccines—Are They Still Contributing to the Greater Good?

Here is yet ANOTHER doctor's accounting of how dangerous and/or ineffective the vaccines that our government and the medical community forces upon us.
To see my other articles about vaccinations and flu shots, click HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.

The multiple-award winning documentary, The Greater Good, was initially released three years ago.
Weaving together stories of families whose lives have been forever altered by vaccine damage, the film reveals how modern medicine, especially when driven by politics, ideology, and big business, can rob you of some of your most basic human rights, including voluntary, informed consent to medical risk-taking.
The results of such politically- and financially-driven public health policies can be devastating. The provocative, ground breaking film, The Greater Good, includes prominent voices messaging about vaccination and health today.
This includes those pushing for mandatory vaccination policies and those opposing forced vaccination policies. It focuses on how we can create positive change and reduce fear so that parents and doctors can work together to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths.
There needs to be an open, rational discussion about vaccination, infectious diseases, and health. After all, don't all of us want our children to be healthy and safe from unnecessary harm?
If we want to protect the health of ALL children, we cannot continue to ignore the signs that public health policies making mandatory use of multiple vaccines in early childhood as our nation’s Number One disease prevention strategy has gone too far—to the point that we may well be sacrificing too many children’s lives in the name of “the greater good”...
From my point of view, there can be little doubt that we need to review the safety and effectiveness of the current vaccination program in the US, and this review needs to include methodologically sound investigative studies that are not compromised by conflicts of interest within industry and government. If we don't do that now, we may not be able to stop further damage to the health of future generations.

Autism and the Thinking Moms Revolution

During the past year, a producer of The Greater Good1 has released short videos with out-takes of interviews that were conducted for the film, as well as other information covering a number of vaccine topics.
The first short video is about the reported relationship between vaccination and autism, featuring mothers of vaccine injured children with autism from a group called The Thinking Moms Revolution.
Autism has skyrocketed over the past few decades and scientists and public health officials continue to argue about the reasons for why it is happening butsomething is clearly very wrong... Three decades ago, autism affected one in 10,000 children.2, 3 Today, it’s estimated to afflict as many as one in 50.4
While conventional medicine still claims there’s no known cause for autism increases, Thinking Moms are speaking out about how they brought a healthy child in for vaccination, and watched their child deteriorate following that vaccination. As stated by one Mom:
“In this country, we’re indoctrinated to believe in vaccines, and believe there’s this incredibly impeccable science behind them. [But] once you start the investigation and you realize how flimsy the evidence is, for safety in particular... that’s when you realize how little of this is based on fact.”
On its website,5 The Greater Good team notes:
“In the early 2000′s, CDC instructed vaccine makers to remove the mercury preservative in childhood shots. But as the mercury was being phased out of most childhood vaccinations, CDC recommended that pregnant women and infants at 6 months and again 7 months receive the flu shot – which they knew still contained mercury.
In addition to the flu shot, CDC began recommending that pregnant women also receive the Tdap vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, and attenuated pertussis).
So pregnant women and their unborn babies are still being subjected to mercury-laden flu vaccines and aluminum-laden DTaP vaccines – and at an earlier point.
These vaccines during pregnancy contradict decades of advice to take no medications, quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol and avoid mercury laden seafood while pregnant, but people have been so conditioned to trust authority that they accept this, making it all too easy to tell parents, ‘sorry, your kid was born that way’.
...government health officials maintain the charade that they are trying to find a cause for autism when they have blown $1.6 billion over the past decade looking for a supposed genetic cause despite ample science showing that environmental factors are the culprit.”

The Good News...

The good news is that there is much more information available today about alternative biomedical therapies.  
These are being used by open-minded doctors addressing the neuroimmune dysfunction that children with vaccine-associated autism are suffering. Some children diagnosed with “autism” are improving through use of special diets, supplementation regimens, and detoxification protocols tailored to their individual needs.
As noted in the video, there’s a vast “underground” movement of parents who are sharing their experiences and successes and there are enlightened doctors who have been able to help children with autism when conventional medicine falls short.
The Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) protocol is, in my view, among the most important treatment strategies out there, but there are also many others. The GAPS nutritional protocol was created by Dr. Campbell-McBride, whose son was diagnosed with autism.
She understands that there’s a very important connection between damaged gut flora in pregnant women and developmental problems in their children, especially autism.
Establishing normal gut flora in the first 20 days or so of life plays a crucial role in the maturation of your baby's immune system. It’s important to realize that babies who develop abnormal gut flora have compromised immune systems, which puts them at higher risk for suffering vaccine reactions.

In GAPS Babies, Vaccination Can Be ‘the Last Straw’

If your baby has suboptimal gut flora, vaccines can become the proverbial "last straw" — the trigger that "primes" his/her immune system to develop chronic health problems.
According to Dr. Campbell-McBride, in children with GAPS the toxicity flowing from their gut throughout their bodies and into their brains continually challenges their nervous system, preventing it from performing its normal functions and process sensory information.
Other researchers are now starting to back up her findings. For example, one 2013 study6 confirmed that autistic children have distinctly different microbiome compared to healthy children. Notably, they had fewer healthy bacteria, such asBifidobacterium. Autistic children also had markedly higher levels of toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
I believe the GAPS Nutritional program is vitally important for most, as the majority of people have such poor gut health due to poor diet and toxic exposures, but it's particularly crucial for pregnant women and young children.
The best way to prevent GAPS is for the mother to avoid all processed foods, sugar, antibiotics (including CAFO meats and antibacterial soaps) and birth control pills prior to conception as these cause pathogenic yeast and fungi to grow and also cause leaky gut that allows undigested protein fragments to sneak into the blood stream contributing to auto immune diseases. This can then be followed by breastfeeding and avoiding the use of antibiotics during (intrapartum) and after delivering.  
It’s also a good idea to make sure your baby’s microbiome is healthy before getting any vaccinations. Fortunately, it's possible to rather inexpensively identify GAPS within the first weeks of your baby's life, which can help you make better-informed decisions about vaccinations, and about how to proceed to set your child on the path to a healthy life. The entire process for identifying children who would be at risk for developing autism from a vaccine is described in her book Gut and Psychology Syndrome.

What Doctors Really Know About Vaccines

Another short video published on The Greater Good website makes the point that doctors are not being taught about vaccine risks in medical school. In short, doctors are being taught about administering vaccines but not about how to identify a vaccine reaction. Doctors strongly recommending and administering vaccines to children are not taught about the big gaps in vaccine safety science...
“They don’t learn that no study exists comparing the medium or long term health outcomes of vaccinated to unvaccinated populations. They don’t learn that vaccine safety studies don’t use a true placebo, but instead use another vaccine or a solution containing mercury or aluminum as a placebo! They don’t learn that vaccine safety studies often last a few days to a few weeks keeping hidden long term side effects. They don’t learn that vaccines can overwhelm the immune system and cause autoimmune disease.
They don’t learn that the aluminum in vaccines is known to cause cognitive impairment, autoimmune disease, gut issues and a host of other damage to healthy adults – goodness knows what they do to tiny infants. They don’t learn that the mercury in vaccines is documented in the medical literature as a potent neurotoxin and that it is still used in the manufacturing of some vaccines and as a preservative as well. They don’t learn how the body processes the vaccine components because, well, no one has ever researched it.”
In light of such vaccine education deficiencies in most medical schools, it becomes very important for parents to educate themselves—and their pediatricians, if they can—about how to identify and prevent vaccine reactions, injuries, and deaths.  And this is precisely why opening up discussions about these issues is so important. There are huge gaps in general knowledge, and huge gaps in research too, and those gaps really need to be addressed.

Why Won’t the CDC Study Health Outcomes?

One study that could shed a lot of light on the vaccine safety conversation is a study comparing health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children. As illogical as it seems, such a study has NEVER been conducted. It does not exist. And so the controversy over whether or not use of multiple vaccines in early childhood is having long term adverse health effects and may do more harm than good continues... That said, unofficial surveys7, 8 suggest that highly vaccinated children may have more chronic health problems than unvaccinated children, and that unvaccinated children have a far lower incidence rate of autism. There’s also a growing body of research suggesting that vaccines may be associated with a variety of brain and immune system disorders, including a potential increased risk for:
  • Learning and developmental disabilities
  • Brain damage
  • Allergies, asthma, and gut problems
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Chronic infections

Autism Rates Jump Each Time Vaccine Made from Human Fetal Cell Lines Is Released

One of the latest studies revealing there may be unrecognized safety issues associated with vaccines was published in the September 2014 issue of the Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology.9 It points to a potential correlation between autism and three specific vaccines: MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), Varicella (chickenpox), and Hepatitis A vaccines. As reported by Global Research:10
“Using statistical analysis and data from the US Government, UK, Denmark and Western Australia, scientists at Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI) found that increases in autistic disorder correspond with the introduction of vaccines using human fetal cell lines and retroviral contaminants. Even more alarming, Dr Theresa Deisher, lead scientist and SCPI founder noted that, ‘Not only are the human fetal contaminated vaccines associated with autistic disorder throughout the world, but also with epidemic childhood leukemia and lymphomas.’”
The main argument for a vaccine-autism connection in the study is the introduction of vaccines manufactured with human fetal cell lines containing fetal and retroviral contaminants. The cell line in question is known as WI-38. According to the authors, autism rates rose sharply each time another one of these vaccines were released. In the US, autism rates jumped in 1980-1981 following the approval of MeruvaxII and MMRII, both of which are made with the human fetal cell line WI-38. Another jump in autism prevalence occurred in 1988, corresponding to three factors:
  • The addition of a second dose of MMRII
  • A highly successful measles vaccination campaign that raised compliance from 50 to 82 percent between the years 1987-1989
  • The introduction of Poliovax in 1987
In 1995, autism rates jumped again in response to the introduction of the Varicella vaccine, Varivax. In conclusion, the authors note that “rising autistic disorder prevalence is directly related to vaccines manufactured utilizing human fetal cells.”
There are many outstanding questions about vaccine science and policy that must be answered quickly before more vaccines are added to the government recommended and mandated list for children and adults. In the meantime, to protect your own health and the health of your children, please empower yourself with information and become well informed about infectious diseases and vaccines so you can make wise health care choices.
You can access more information about vaccination and health on this website and also on the website of a Mercola Health Liberty partner, the non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) at The parent co-founders of NVIC, whose children were injured by DPT vaccine, launched the vaccine safety and informed consent movement in the U.S. in 1982 and their website is the largest and oldest website on the Internet publishing accurate, well referenced information about vaccination and infectious diseases.
If you want to actively work in your state to protect legal vaccine exemptions so you are able to make voluntary vaccine choices for yourself and your children, I encourage you to sign up today to be a user of the free online NVIC Advocacy Portal, so you can be kept up to date on legislation moving in your state that may threaten vaccine exemptions and puts you in touch with your own elected representatives so you can make your voice heard. It is up to all of us, individually, to participate in our democracy and make sure that that the laws which govern us do not infringe upon our civil liberties and take away our human right to exercise informed consent to vaccine risk-taking.

 Sources and References