Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Obama Is America's Sociopath In The White House

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com 

Big Brother isn't merely something that might arrive in the future... it's here! You are being tracked right now. Everything you type, post, say or search for is being recorded and data-mined to psychologically profile you and even predict your future behavior.

If we don't stop this, it's only going to become more abusive and dangerous

This system is already being wildly abused, yet what we're seeing today is only the beginning. Under a government that strips away the Second Amendment from the People while surveilling all their private communications, no one would be safe from Big Brother. No communications would be private, and anyone who criticized the White House could be arrested and "disappeared" into Obama's network of secret prisons that he has continued to operate.

As a society, we have gone off the cliff and are plummeting toward total tyranny. When privacy is lost, freedom is destroyed. If we cannot hold phone conversations and online conversations in private without being surveiled, tracked and data-mined by our own government, then any idea that America is still the "land of the free" is a cruel hoax.

But Obama says "trust me!" All this spying is perfectly fine, he claims, because the government is running it and all the government people have been "fully briefed" on it. Never mind the fact that the People have never been told this is happening! You're supposed to just trust that Obama won't abuse this and that as long as you have nothing to hide, the government won't come knocking on your door one day.

Obama is America's sociopath in the White House

I'm not the only one who finds this explanation not merely absurd, but wreaking of mental illness. Obama has become America's sociopath. While he vacuums up all your private conversations, phone calls, medical information and personal photographs, he says you're supposed to trust him because he knows "who the good guys are."

Really? Because it seems increasingly obvious to everyone else that Obama and the entire federal government are the bad guys engaged in outrageous violations of the Bill of Rights on a routine basis. And everything they do is rooted in hypocrisy.

For example, this is a government that says we can't video tape police on public streets because that's somehow breaking "wiretapping" laws. And yet, without any warrants whatsoever, this same government can read all your emails, listen to all your phone calls and even track your geographic locations when you initiate those calls. This is all being justified by invoking "terrorists" that the government itself actually runs! Nearly all the so-called "terror plots" taking place in the USA today are, in fact, run by the FBI!

What's wrong with this picture?

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